Health Service Utilization among Elderly in Itahari Sub- Metropolitan City


  • Sarita Khatiwada Assistant Lecturer, Purbanchal Uni-versity School of Health Sciences


Elderly, Health care, Services, Utilization


Introduction: Ageing is a process of gradual change in physical appearance and mental situation that cause a person to grow old. Morbidity increases with age and enhances the burden of health problems that result in new challenges to meet additional demands. In the ageing population, health problems, and health care utilization should be assessed carefully and addressed.

Objective: This study aimed to identify, health services utilization among the elderly peoples.

 Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted among elderly people of Itahari submetropolitian city through face to face interview. Data collection involved assessment of health care utilization among the elderly peoples residing in Itahari sub metropolitan city. Non probability cluster sampling was done, descriptive and inferential analysis were done.

 Results: The study of 323 participants (mean age 71.84 ± 7.9 years) found that most were male, lived with sons, and 72.5% had an illness. Multiple mild-severity illnesses affected 34.1%, while 70.6% utilized healthcare services, with age and chronic illness significantly influencing usage.  Improving elderly healthcare requires affordable services, stronger primary care, specialized geriatric programs, and better accessibility will increase more health service utilization.


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How to Cite

Khatiwada S. Health Service Utilization among Elderly in Itahari Sub- Metropolitan City. PUHJ [Internet]. 2024 Dec. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];2(2):35-41. Available from:



Original Research Article